Privacy Policy

information for the processing of personal data of Le Piracante


(pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 30/06/2003 No. 196 and subsequent amendments and additions and Article 13 of European Regulation No. 2016/679 )


Le Pira cante , by Rossella Rosaria Puoti , with registered office in via Lavandaio 27, 81013 Caiazzo (CE),  P.iva 04274600610 . (hereinafter, ” Structure “), as Data Controller, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13 D.Lgs. 30.6.2003 n. 196 (hereinafter, “Privacy Code”) and art. 13 EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”), informs you, in your capacity as an interested party (as defined in Article 4 of the Privacy Code and in Article 4 of the GDPR), that your personal data will be processed in the full compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data and with the implementation of all technical and organizational security measures, deemed suitable for the protection of the aforementioned data.


1. Data subject to processing

The data subject of this document is the following data referring to you: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number.

In order to better understand what has been indicated above, please note that personal data are defined by the current European legislation as “any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (” interested “); the identifiable natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of his physical identity, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social “.


2. Treatment

The processing of your data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in the art. 4 Privacy Code and to the art. 4 n. 2) GDPR and more precisely, by way of example: collection, recording, organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, comparison or interconnection, cancellation limitation, destruction.


3. Purpose and legal basis of the processing

Your data will be processed for the following purposes:

to. without your express consent (art. 24 of the Privacy Code and art. 6 of the GDPR) – since the processing in question is necessary to enable you to respond to your specific request – for the following purposes:

(i) fulfill the requests for information made by you ;

( ii ) allow and manage your requests for information and possibly book the services offered

b. Only with your prior informed, specific and separate consent (articles 23 and 130 of the Privacy Code and articles 6 and 7 of the GDPR) – because to carry out the treatment in question it is necessary to acquire your Consent – for the following purposes:

(i ) send information and promotional communications, including commercial communications, newsletters, and / or offers of products and services also by the structure ;


4. Nature of the Contribution and consequences of the refusal

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in lett. a., point (i), of the previous article 3) although optional, it is necessary in order to correctly fulfill your requests and therefore the failure to provide the data will preclude the possibility of providing it and an adequate response.

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in lett. a., point ( ii ), of the previous article 3) although optional, it is necessary in order to properly fulfill your request to receive information and proceed with a possible booking of a stay, therefore failure to provide will preclude the possibility for you to conclude correctly the procedure.

The provision of data and the relative consent to the processing of the same for the purposes referred to in lett. b), points (i), of the previous art. 3 is optional. However, your refusal and / or the provision of incorrect and / or incomplete information could prevent the processing of profiles, the analysis of your preferences and also prevent the performance of the so-called marketing activities

In case of consent, you have the right, at any time, to revoke it. We remind you that the withdrawal of consent, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 7 of the GDPR, may not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given by you before the revocation.


5. Processing methods

Your personal data will be processed using suitable electronic and / or telematic means with logic strictly related to the purposes mentioned above and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. Without prejudice to what may be provided for in the appropriate Cookie Policy of the Site, B&B   notifies the Interested parties that no type of automated decision-making process will be used, meaning “automated decision-making” as provided for by the art. 22 of the GDPR, or “a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling , which produces legal effects that concern him or that significantly affects his person”.


6. Data retention

The data will be stored at Data Centers located in Italy.

Your personal and contact details will be used and stored for the purposes referred to in the previous art. 3) for a period not exceeding 5 years (five). Your purchase data will be used and stored for the purposes referred to in the previous art. 3) for a period not exceeding 2 years (two).

In order to guarantee the updating and correctness of the data as well as any consent given by you, the Structure will send you a special communication every 12 months in which you will be again informed about the methods and contacts – specified in the following articles 11), 12) and 13) – through which you can manage your registration.

At the end of the storage period, the data will be deleted and eliminated from any paper and / or computer support in a safe manner and in full compliance with the legislation in force from time to time regarding the protection of personal data or will be made anonymous by B&B for the sole purpose to perform statistical and / or historical analyzes, therefore without any possibility for B & Bs and / or third parties to identify data subjects.


7. Security measures

We care about protecting your information. Therefore we undertake to take all appropriate and reasonable measures to protect personal information stored by us against misuse, loss or unauthorized access. To this end, we have implemented a series of specific technical and organizational measures. Measures are included to deal with any suspected data breach.


8. Parties authorized to process data

For the correct completion of the Treatments referred to in this Notice, they will have access to your data:


This site is managed by the Data Controller, identified in the person of the owner:

Rossella Rosaria Puoti

Via Vavandaio , 27

81013 Caiazzo

Email :


to. In addition to the holder, any Employees of the Piracant Structure   specifically appointed by the same as persons in charge and Authorized to the Treatment in question.

b. The Suppliers of the Le Piracante Structure which provide services connected and functional to the aforementioned purposes, such as, in particular, the following companies: Aruba Srl, which carries out on behalf of the Le Piracante Structure the Management, maintenance and hosting services of the Site,  MailUp   that carries out on behalf of the Le Piracante Structure , through its own Platform, the services for sending information and commercial communications, These Suppliers operate by virtue of specific agreements for the processing of data, signed with the Le Piracante Structure pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 29 of the Privacy Code and of the art. 28 of the GDPR. A list of these third parties is always available at the owner’s offices.

c. The Consultants of the Piracante Structure who provide assistance in relation to legal, tax, marketing and organizational accounting aspects. These Consultants operate under specific agreements for the processing of data, signed with the Le Piracante Structure . pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 29 of the Privacy Code and of the art. 28 of the GDPR. A list of these third parties is always available at the owner’s offices.

d. Parent companies , subsidiaries, affiliates and / or associates as well as entities connected contractually to the structure that manage the distribution and sale of the products and services of the Structure (including possible distributors) for the purposes illustrated in lett. b), point ( iii ), of the previous art. 3.

is. if you choose to visit the online showcase available via the ” Etsy ” button , please refer to the information relating to the site in question for complete information on the methods and type of data requested and processed. The data in this case are collected and managed through the website


9. Communication and dissemination of data

The Data Controller may communicate your data to Supervisory Bodies and / or to judicial Authorities as well as to all other subjects to whom the communication is obligatory by law for the fulfillment of the said purposes. Your data will not otherwise be disseminated and / or communicated.


10. Data transfer

The management and storage of personal data will take place on servers located within the European Union belonging to the Data Controller and / or third party companies duly appointed and appointed as External Data Processors. It is in any case understood that a subsequent and possible transfer of data outside the European Union will take place in compliance with the applicable legal provisions – including articles 44, 45 and 46 of the GDPR – as well as the adequacy decisions adopted by the European Commission and also if necessary and in the absence of adequacy decisions, stipulating agreements that guarantee an adequate level of protection and / or adopting the standard contractual clauses envisaged by the European Commission.

In detail, with regards to a possible and subsequent transfer of data to companies present in the United States, the same will take place with respect to those companies that have adhered to the so-called “Privacy Shield “, in compliance with the decision of the European Commission which recognized the Agreement called ” EU-US Privacy Shield ” an adequate level of protection of personal data transferred from the European Union to organizations resident in the United States that self-certify in the system and the subsequent Authorization to transfer data abroad through the agreement called ” EU-US Privacy Shield ”adopted by the Italian Data Protection Authority on 27 October 2016.


11. Rights of the interested party

As an interested party, you are entitled to the rights set forth in art. 7 of the Privacy Code and articles 13 et seq. of the GDPR.

Precisely you are competing:

to. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 7 of the Privacy Code, the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you and their communication in intelligible form (eg: by copy in electronic or paper format);

b. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 7 of the Privacy Code, the right to obtain the indication: i) of the categories of data in question; ii ) the origin of the personal data, the purposes and methods of processing and the storage period or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine this period; iii ) the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; iv ) of the identification data concerning the data controller, data processors and the representative designated pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 2 of the Privacy Code and art. 3, paragraph 1, GDPR; v) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or appointees;

c. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 7 of the Privacy Code, the right to obtain: i) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; ii ) the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those for which conservation is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed; ii ) the attestation that the operations referred to in points i) and ii ) have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case where such compliance proves to be impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;

d. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 7 of the Privacy Code, the right to object in whole or in part: i) for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection; ii ) to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication, through the use of automated call systems without the intervention of an operator by email and / or through traditional marketing methods by telephone and / or mail. Please note that the interested party’s right of objection, set out in point ii ) above, for direct marketing purposes by automated means, extends to the traditional ones and that the possibility remains open for the interested party to exercise the right of opposition also only partially. Therefore, the interested party may decide to receive only communications using traditional methods or only automated communications or none of the two types of communication;

is. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. art. 13 of the GDPR, the right to lodge a complaint with a competent authority;

f. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 15 of the GDPR, the right of access to information related to the processing of data, including: the purposes of the processing; the types of personal data processed; the estimated time for storing personal data or, if not available, the criteria used to determine it; the recipients or categories to which the data have been or will be communicated; any transfers of data to third countries; if the data had not been collected from the interested party, the information of origin available; the existence of an automated decision-making process, the logic applied to the segmentation of users for profiling activities and the importance of said treatment for the interested party.

g. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 16 of the GDPR, the right to obtain the correction of inaccurate data and the integration of incomplete data;

h. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 17 of the GDPR, the right to request cancellation and to obtain it if certain reasons exist, including: the data are not necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected; personal data have been illegally processed; personal data must be deleted as a result of a legal obligation established by the law of the European Union or the Member States and which applies to the data controller; the interested party has revoked the consent This right will not be exercisable if the data is necessary for the management of complaints.


the. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 18 of the GDPR, the right to obtain the limitation of the processing in case of certain hypotheses, among which: the personal data of which B&B is available   are inaccurate; the interested party does not agree with the use of his / her data but opposes their cancellation and therefore requires a limitation of their use; B&B   does not need to keep the data but the interested party needs it for any complaints. In the event of a request for limitation, the data will be processed, except for their preservation, only for certain reasons, including: complaints by the interested party; express consent of the interested party; protection of the rights of other natural or legal persons or for reasons of public interest at the level of the European Union or of a given Member State.

j. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 20 of the GDPR, the right to receive their data in structured format, for common and legible use, and to transmit them to another data controller in the cases provided for by the indicated legislation.

k. pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 21 of the GDPR, the right to object – at any time and for reasons connected to its particular situation – to the processing of its data, including the processing of data for  profiling   and direct marketing purposes. In this case, B&B will refrain from further processing of the data, subject to the exceptions provided for by the indicated legislation.


12. Data controller

The Data Controller is the Le Piracante Structure , with headquarters in via Lavandaio 27, 81013 Caiazzo (CE) ,  P.iva 04274600610


13. Mode of exercise of rights

To exercise the rights referred to in the previous art. 11), you may write to the attention of the owner of the data processing at the following addresses:  The Piracante   , via Lavandaio 27, 81013 Caiazzo (CE)  ;  email : info @ lepiracante. com;


14. Changes to this Statement

This information for the processing of data may be subject to change. We therefore recommend that you regularly check this Information and refer to the latest version.

In the event that you do not accept the changes made, you may at any time cancel your registration on the site or modify and / or revoke consents previously expressed through the contacts indicated above.






Cookies Information


Cookies management

The following text explains “what cookies are ” and how they are used on this site.


What are Cookies ?

The cookies are small text strings stored on your computer when you visit certain pages on the Internet, when you read certain emails or when using certain services. They are simple lines of text used for different purposes: to perform automatic authentication, to memorize specific information regarding the users that access the server, to keep track of behaviors for statistical purposes. The management of cookies is under the direct control of the user: it is possible to prevent the registration of cookies , delete them or simply select the ones you wish to keep. In most browsers, cookies are enabled, at the bottom you will find the information necessary to change the cookie settings on your browser.

We provide this information as an integral part of our initiative aimed at complying with the recent legislation on the subject, and to ensure our honesty and transparency regarding your privacy when you use our website.


Use of Cookies

In accordance with the provision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (hereinafter, the “Guarantor”) of 8 May 2014, containing “Identification of simplified procedures for information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies ” we mean inform the user that this site uses cookies to improve the site and provide services and features to its users. It is possible to limit or disable the use of cookies through the web browser; however, without cookies some or all of the site’s features may be unusable.


What kind of cookies are present on this site?


Navigation cookies

These cookies are essential to allow you to move around the site and use its features, such as accessing restricted areas of the website. Without these cookies the requested services cannot be provided, such as writing a comment. The strictly necessary cookies are used to store a unique identifier in order to manage and identify the user as unique to other users who are currently visiting the site, so as to provide the user with a consistent and accurate service.

Some examples of the use of these Cookies include:

The memory of previous actions (for example text entered) while navigating back to a page in the same session;

Management and passage of security tokens to different services within a website to identify the visitor’s status (for example, registered or unregistered);

Maintenance of tokens for the implementation of restricted areas of the website;


Functional cookies


These cookies can be from an HTML Group site or from a partner, have a session duration or are persistent. These cookies are usually the result of a user action, but can also be implemented in the provision of a service not explicitly requested but offered to the user. They can also be used to prevent a previously offered and rejected service from being offered to that user again. Furthermore, these cookies allow sites to remember user choices (such as user name, language, country of origin, and so on). The information collected by these cookies is anonymous and cannot track user behavior on other sites.

Some examples of use of these cookies include:

Remember the settings that a user has applied to an Internet site such as layout, font size, preferences, color and so on;

Remember a choice so that the completion of a questionnaire is no longer required;

Fulfillment of a user request such as submitting a comment.


Third-party cookies

This site is NOT directly uses cookies to profiling . However, this site uses embedded objects that download third-party cookies , often capable of profiling interests, searches or user browsing, for which below you will find detailed links for information and to manage consent:

Google Maps

This site may incorporate Google maps, capable of profiling , used by this site for the purpose of showing Google maps.

Google Analytics

The data acquired through Google analytics can also be used by Google, according to the terms of service prepared by the same


Types of cookies used by Google

How can cookies be managed and / or disabled ?

You can prevent a site from using cookies for the activities described or you can delete all cookies saved using the tools provided by your browser (the browser is the program you use to browse websites). Note that if you decide to disable all cookies, some features of the site you are browsing may be compromised.

It is possible to navigate by temporarily avoiding that the browser registers the cookies generated by the sites by enabling incognito browsing (also called “private browsing or” anonymous surfing “) available on modern browsers. In this mode the browser, depending on the version used, does not record cookies or records only certain cookies required for the site to function. However, cookies are deleted once the window is closed. Furthermore, in this mode, the sites displayed in the history are not saved and the information entered in the forms ( forms ) on the pages are not saved . Instructions are available on the support sites of the browser used: Google Chrome and Google Chrome Mobile, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox , Apple Safari, Apple Safari Mobile.

You can disable cookies altogether or delete them by following the instructions provided by browsers: Google Chrome , Google Chrome Mobile, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox , Apple Safari, Apple Safari Mobile.

To delete cookies from other Internet browsers on your smartphone / tablet , please refer to the device’s user manual.

You can prevent only advertising or behavioral cookies from being saved by using the service provided by Your Online Choiches website .

You can also visit the site, in English, or for information on how to manage / delete cookies based on the type of browser used.

Your rights

The identification details of the company which is in charge of processing the user’s data are present at the beginning of this information document. The updated list of data processors , appointed for this purpose, is available at the headquarters of the titular.

The user may, at any time and without any formality, exercise the rights pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 – “Code regarding the protection of personal data”, sending a communication to the e-mail address “info @ “.


For greater completeness, the text of art. 7 of the Privacy Code:

Art. 7 – Right of access to personal data and other rights

1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form.

2. The interested party has the right to obtain the indication:

a) the origin of personal data;

b) the purposes and methods of processing;

c) the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;

d) of the identification data concerning the data controller, data processors and the designated representative pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 2;

e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or appointees.

3. The interested party has the right to obtain:

a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;

b) the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data which does not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed;

c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the event that such fulfillment occurs it proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate use of resources with respect to the protected right.

4. The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part:

a) for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.


This page is visible, through a link present in all the pages of the Site pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and following the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Official Gazette n.126 of 3 June 2014 and the relative register of provisions n.229 of 8 May 2014.